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Call me a big softy, but on several occasions, I almost cried watching this movie. You would like to think that although we all have our faults, this world isn’t all that bad, but in reality, it is. There are people out there right this very minute suffering, yet we do nothing about it. There are kids even in this town, hungry, tired, and mad, getting into trouble because there is no other way that they know of to get rid of their anger. Around the world there are people living way below the poverty line, dying from AIDS, starving, or all of the above and this video just reminds you of that fact.  It really makes you think and want to be proactive, but it’s still very depressing 😦 .


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This weeks complaint 🙂 is about a debate that was brought up at a hall government meeting. The school wants to change policies to discourage students from drinking in the dorms. Believe it or not, but this college was supposed to be a ” dry” campus, meaning there is no alcohol here ( we all know how true that is).They are tired of complaints from parents and members of the community that feel that this is not a “dry” campus as people use empty bottles as decorations and memories from that one crazy night,  One of the new policies that the school was getting opinions on was rather or not students should get in trouble for having empty cans or bottles in their room. I feel that students should be penalized for having empty containers in their rooms.

First of all, if you are under twenty-one, you are breaking the law by drinking anyway. If a RA just so happens to find empty cans in your room during a fire drill, then its your fault you got caught. There is no one else to blame. Some students say that they like to recycle the cans and bottles, so they like to keep them. If that’s what you want to do, then do it. Keep them hidden or just don’t bring them in the dorms.

The president of our hall said that the penalties for these offenses aren’t harsh now because they realize that the “transition” from high school to college is a difficult thing. I say transition my behind. You should know by now to how to not break the law or at least not get caught from your eighteen or more years of living with your parents. The ( hopefully) raised you to not be a moron, and if you are, you just have to learn.

I’m totally ranting here, but people really do need to learn how to take responsibility for themselves.


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Right now I am absolutely overwhelmed with emotion about Barack Obama’s win, but I’m also a little gloomy. Many people may think that the joy that a lot of people are feeling right now is overkill, but it is about so much more than having Bush out of office. Barack Obama is the first African American president in history. Once upon a time black people couldn’t vote. Even farther in time than that, we were treated worse than cattle. I never thought that the people of America could let go of its hatred for difference long enough to see that Obama might do some good for this country. I had totally lost faith in people.

This election was such a huge deal because people DIED for this kind of change to come about. People dangled from trees like ornaments, were hosed down while they protested for basic freedoms, and were dragged to pieces for this to happen. Tears come to my eyes when I think about what had to happen in order for things to change. Regardless of how people say it’s over, yes he’s black who cares, I will remain overjoyed and hopeful that maybe someday this world will actually change. If you saw it through my eyes, you’d see that we still have a long way to go.

My complaint for this week 🙂 is about some teachers/ professors. Some educators of today worry about the decline of young people who attend school. While I don’t condone skipping school not one bit, some educators make learning very dry, boring, and uninteresting. Sometimes I find it difficult to stay in a classroom seat regardless of my love for education because it is so boring. I know that it is very difficult for educators to get through years of knowledge in just one semester, but I wish that they could make it at least a little bit easier to listen to.


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Although I am the kind of person who has a million opinions, I had an extremely difficult time coming up with something to write about. I felt that way until this weekend.

I love both of my parents very much, but I believe that they, as well as parents every where, should take it easy sometimes and try not to worry their heads off every minute. A lot of the things that they do to protect( which is a fancy word for shelter) their kids is way out of line.

This weekend, I went to Walmart with some friends. Since this particular group was all freshmen, we didn’t have cars, so we took a cab. I ended up leaving my phone in the cab, and the driver called my dad to tell him. My dad didn’t end up getting the message until early that morning and my parents freaked out. They called my boyfriends mom, and when she couldn’t reach him, they called my FRIENDS’ mom. When they didn’t get a quick enough response, they called the police! Sheesh, you would think that they found my severed toe in the cab or something! This event was blown way out of proportion.

I’m not a parent, so I could just be putting my own foot in my mouth when I say that sometimes parents go way overboard with the protection thing. I hope that one day, they’ll learn to relax a little.


“Beefing up School Security” was an article about making schools safer by using a new machine able to scan visitors. By scanning individuals, the school is able to see if that particular person is a registered sex offender. Parents enjoy the idea of sending their children to schools with that added security, but it is a hassle to some. A woman was scanned and the machine alerted the school that she was a sex offender. The end result was not that she was a sex offender, but there was an offender who had the same name as she did. Although the system has a few flaws, it is good that there are extra methods of securing children in school.

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